Visual-Kei Popular labels B.P.RECORDS and Resistar Records Started a New Project.


Last Updated on 01/09/2017

The B.P.RECORDS which visual-kei bands such as Kiryu, Royz, Kodomodragon are affiliated with, and the Resistar Records which DOG inThe Parallel World Orchestra, Buglug, Blu-BiLLioN are affiliated with will start a new project on YouTube. It will be a new channel called VROCK channel.

We are so excited to see the main content that will be made by 6 bands 29 members. It would contain exciting, funny, touching, and surprising episodes.

New channel VROCK channel is a channel that has created to energize the visual-lei music scene regardless of the labels. The trailer of the joint project has just released, and also other projects are in progress now.
We can’t wait to see the new project that will energize the visual scene.

【VROCK channel】
B.P.RECORDS×Resistar Records new joint project trailer

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